Philip Green of The Black Hedge Fund Group by Markis McCollum

By Philip Green

Black men, we are begging you, humbly, not chastising, not standing on high, pontificating, but down on bended knee in exhortation. 

We implore you Do These 5 Things in 2015 

1. Get a passport

2. Open an investment account

3. Get a mentor...or be a mentor

4. Increase your competency in financial literacy and the STEMS

5. Get regular prostate checkups 

We have been here almost 9 years...and we cannot begin to tell you the number of people who have come back to us with the same refrain and lament "I wish I would have done it sooner".....please do it now, black men, black brothers. 

c. 2015, The Black Hedge Fund Group

The Black Hedge Fund Group

The Black Hedge Fund Group

Bloc Kade by Markis McCollum


     Growing up in North Philadelphia I had the chance to grow up with and know some very good and talented people. I've grown up with the likes of Peedi Crakk, Gillie Da Kid, and Philly's own Jill Scott to name a few. But sometimes the talent take awhile till just the right time then "BOOM" there's a movement that grew right before your eyes. That movement go's by the name Bloc Kade!! But I call him Scotty, lol. Scotty and I go back at least 30 yrs from block parties to Pop Warner Football to just hanging out kicking it. 

Born in North Philadelphia, Bloc Kade began his journey to a life in music. His passion for writing poetry would turn into a career opportunity. Once he moved to Fontana (CA), he discovered his new passion... putting poetry into motion. With the help of his friends, Greg "G Gramz" and Will, he began writing and recording music under the rap name "Pyro Da Kamikaze/Hawkeye". After graduating, Bloc Kade moved back to North Philadelphia where his cousin, TY "Sport" gave Bloc Kade his new alias. Because of his lyrics and the way he performed, the new rap name suited him well. To many he is know as Bloc Kade but to a few he goes by KADE.
While Bloc Kade was once apart of a group known as "New Government", he recoreded various tracks and would attend mulitple parties, where he woud freestyle and battle rap other aspiring artists.
Bloc Kade's own projects have included: Diamond in the Ruff Mixtape, Murderous Intent, The Awakening, and Night of Vengeance (which is currently in production). Bloc Kade has been featured on various mixtapes, including Dreams to Reality, Black Friday by Swagmatik Productions and Antgiant Music Group. He has also been a guest on "The JEX Show", had multiple songs played on WMSK Radio as well as had 2 freestyle videos featured with No Holds Bar (BFR Ent). Bloc Kade has also been interviewd by Dutchess from Lyrically Fit and can be seen at Bloc Kade has an endless library of music and multiple collabrations with other artists.
Not only does Bloc Kade rock the mic, but he is also showing his skills in cinema. He currently has 2 movie projects in pre-production. Bloc Kade is much more than just an emcee. He is the CEO of "Eye of a Hustla Ent", the founder of "Colosseum Music/Colosseum Studios" and President of "NJOD Films". Making moves and working hard are what he is doing to live his dream to it's full potential.
So, in the workds of KADE, "Huslte Hard or Go Home".

Here are a few video previews of Bloc Kade.

I tried promo.... 

Building a "TANK" by Markis McCollum

Meet my personal trainer Keith "TANK" Phillips

Keith "TANK" Phillips

 One day I was walking to to my mailbox when I happen to see a ad for a personal trainer. Now I really pay little to no attention to ads like that but for some reason I was compelled to stop and read it. After reading the ad I looked at the picture of the person calling himself "TANK". Judging by the picture I was like " he looks like he may be kind of tough and a little mean, but yet I was still curious to see what this was all about.





12 SESSIONS $500




12 SESSIONS $290     


It was an early Saturday morning as I made my way to Kelly Drive to a workout session that I had no clue on what to expect. As I drew closer to the the workout area this huge dude looked up from the work out-stations he was setting up. Cover in a thin layer of sweat and a mean look on him face he stared at me I slowed my walk a little. NOW the first thing that popped in my head was "oh heck naw" and "naw i'm good". But before I could play it off and act as if I was lost. I heard a friendly "Hey what's good man!" "You here for the boot camp?" I was shocked... I was ready for a yelling and he ended up being a really cool dude. Once my mind was at ease he explained who he was and each workout station.

two-feet in box



Kelly Dr.

There also was many people that came out for the workout session and it was pretty awsome. Plus I've met some new people and became good friends with others.

Old, young, male, female...... a very nice group was there on a Saturday to bond and enjoy the lesson that was presented to us. After a few weeks of working out with him I wanted to pick his mind to see what inspired this movement.

DGC: So what is your name and where are you from?

Tank: Keith Phillips aka TANK, Born in North Philly

DGC: So how did you get the name "TANK"?

Tank: My Mother, when I was a child I would run over everything, table, chairs didn't matter and what ever was in my path I broke so I was named "TANK"

DGC: So as a kid did you have dreams of getting into physical fitness?

Tank: No not really, but the one thing I did know was that I wanted to be a leader and lead people in one way or another.

DGC: At what point did you want to do fitness? 

Tank: When I was in the 8th grade I owed a weight set and that when I started lifting. It wasn't till 10th grade when I entered a bench contest and not only did I win I held the record!

DSG: In High School is when you stared teaching?

Tank: Yes I was on the football teach and my coach empowered me to inspire me teamates and learn a few of my methods.

DSG: What organizations do you work with if any?

Tank: There is an organization that helps high school drop outs trying to get there G.E.D.'s and it counts as there gym time and I help with the Pa-an program for i.s.p. to help troubled kids.

DSG: do you only teach groups or personal lessons?

Tank: both

DSG: What edge do you have over other classes?

Tank: Strength...... Everyone has power but I teach strength and I also show the body how to focus. Weight is secondary.

DSG; What programs do you have?

Tank: Boot Camp which all sessions are $5 a person each time.......Dobson Mills on Ridge Ave. 3 days a week, Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday's. then the big course on Kelly Drive on Saturday close to boat house row about 1/8th of a mile. Then I have my walk-ins at planet fitness at fox street thru out the week then finally water therpy at park plaza condo on Ford Rd. You can call me for more information at 856.906.7122 or

DSG: What is it you would like people to take away from your sessions?

Tank: Strength ...... it gives you focus, stamina, confidence, and a great learning experience. 

"We always done it that way" by Markis McCollum

I know we have all heard the saying "We always done it that way". When hearing that it reminds me of a story I heard once in church and it go as follows. There was a family cooking thanksgiving dinner and the wife would always cut the ham in halve and place each have in two separate pans every year. Once this was done, she would cook each halve separate. One day the husband asked "hey why you always cook the ham like that". The responds she got back was "we always done it that way" . So every year it was the same thing. Cut the ham and put it in two different pans. It finally got on the husbands nerves to the point she asked his wife's mother and he got the same "that's how we always done it". But the husband was not taking that answer. So he asked the grandmom. She laughed and laughed. The reply he received left him in tears. The answer was when the grandmom young she was very poor. The house she lived in had a very, very small oven and the only way to cook the ham was to cut it in halve and cook one half at a time. The mother as well as the daughter learned by watching. So the point I'm trying to drive home is, know why your doing what you do and the meaning behind what you do. Dont  just go with the "that's how we always do" statement because you limit yourself and you will stunt you ideas dead in their tracks. Learn to think outside the box explore new and great options!!!  Be blessed.

Men step your tie game up. The ELEDREDGE KNOT! Watch at learn..... by Markis McCollum

I maybe far away right now, but the thing is fashion is everywhere! When i lived in the U.K I saw a guy with the wildest tie knot ever. I followed this guy for like eight city blocks wondering what did i just see. I finally was able to stop the guy and ask him what is going on with his tie. He smiled at me and said "Eldredge Knot my friend" and walked off as if he just killed a show, dropped the mic and walked off. Ever since then I have been trying to get this knot down. Here below is the best video i found so far on this knot, its worth the watch. 

Clothing is Language by Markis McCollum

One of my greatest influences in my adult life is Derrick Watkins or better know as Fonzworth Bentley. A lot of people teased him when he was with Sean "Puffy" Combs but no one has really heard how he came to be. I saw an article back in 2010 on how Derrick became Fonzworth and it was amazing. Now around 2011 I just moved from the United Kingdom an I started really understanding myself as far as what I liked style wise, I was more aware of my surroundings and how others saw me and my music taste had changed greatly. So when I came across this article a light bulb went off in my head, HE WAS 100% RIGHT!!!! Clothing is a language! As simple as that seems some till don't get it. Other would like to say its common sense, but if it was then everyone would know it. So this UNcommon sense made sense to me and changed my thoughts on how I carried myself. So when I found this clip I was like OMG this is it, and the crazy part was that I was not even looking for it. It found me now I'm sharing with you. Enjoy. 

Invest in your health, know whats going in your body. by Markis McCollum

For healthy eating check the chart below and you can also find a gang of health tips at . Manko Fit is a fitness instructor who is turning the health and fitness world upside down. Check her website out for amazing video's, workouts and eating tips.

Leadership by Markis McCollum

Some of us may have a job where we are placed in a leadership role. That role is not to be taking lightly because people's attitude determines your success, for example if your overbearing you will not get much out of your people. You would get a little done being a boss but think of the mountains you would move if your people looked at you as a leader. If your a BOSS then you may want to change you approach to more of a LEADER. To me being a boss rather then being a leader is like having a job vs a career, Both are good but a career go's a whole lot farther. No one really cares for a boss. You rarely hear anyone say "I have a great Boss or I wish I was a Boss like that". BUTTTTT.....  what you may have heard people say was "What a great Leader that person turned out to be" or "That person was born to lead". People say that because everyone loves a great leader or even one that puts their heart into leading and there people. Here are some examples below on the differents in a BOSS vs. A LEADER. 

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Collar Stays!!!!!! I can't stress this item enough. You ever see that one guy sitting in a meeting with you or sitting in church and his collar is starting to form the letter "S". You may be thinking to yourself "man just iron your collar Bruh". Just know he has fell victim to what I call the " saggy collar". This little item can save the appearance of your shirt, in the pictures shown below you can see how on some shirts there is a little pocket behind the collar that you can simply slide the stay into. This simple item will keep your collar from forming the "S","W" or the "C" pattern some guys may have. I brought mine from Bannana Republic for $12.00 and it came with 20 in the jar ( so about 10 shirts worth ). So please don't sleep on this small item because it can play a big role in your appearance. BTW when you dry clean your shirt TAKE THEM OUT!!! The dry cleaners will steal them. Learned that the hard way. 

GET THESE BOOKS ASAP!!!!!! A Wealth of INFORMATION!!! by Markis McCollum

Never turn down important Information! It is vital that people invest in your future because tommorow is not promised and people's plans can change for the worst over night.  I personal try to read at least one book a week even though i'm more of a documentary guy. But my goal is to get one book a day. The more we arm ourselves with knowledge the better and more well off we will be. Never stop learning and never stop searching. 

This classic text is annotated to update Graham's timeless wisdom for today's market conditions... 
The greatest investment advisor of the twentieth century, Benjamin Graham, taught and inspired people worldwide. Graham's philosophy of "value investing" -- which shields investors from substantial error and teaches them to develop long-term strategies -- has made The Intelligent Investor the stock market bible ever since its original publication in 1949.
Over the years, market developments have proven the wisdom of Graham's strategies. While preserving the integrity of Graham's original text, this revised edition includes updated commentary by noted financial journalist Jason Zweig, whose perspective incorporates the realities of today's market, draws parallels between Graham's examples and today's financial headlines, and gives readers a more thorough understanding of how to apply Graham's principles.
Vital and indispensable, this HarperBusiness Essentials edition of The Intelligent Investor is the most important book you will ever read on how to reach your financial goals. - $13.25


 From 1915 to 1970, this exodus of almost six million people changed the face of America. Wilkerson compares this epic migration to the migrations of other peoples in history. She interviewed more than a thousand people, and gained access to new data and official records, to write this definitive and vividly dramatic account of how these American journeys unfolded, altering our cities, our country, and ourselves. 
With stunning historical detail, Wilkerson tells this story through the lives of three unique individuals: Ida Mae Gladney, who in 1937 left sharecropping and prejudice in Mississippi for Chicago, where she achieved quiet blue-collar success and, in old age, voted for Barack Obama when he ran for an Illinois Senate seat; sharp and quick-tempered George Starling, who in 1945 fled Florida for Harlem, where he endangered his job fighting for civil rights, saw his family fall, and finally found peace in God; and Robert Foster, who left Louisiana in 1953 to pursue a medical career, the personal physician to Ray Charles as part of a glitteringly successful medical career, which allowed him to purchase a grand home where he often threw exuberant parties.
Wilkerson brilliantly captures their first treacherous and exhausting cross-country trips by car and train and their new lives in colonies that grew into ghettos, as well as how they changed these cities with southern food, faith, and culture and improved them with discipline, drive, and hard work. Both a riveting microcosm and a major assessment, The Warmth of Other Suns is a bold, remarkable, and riveting work, a superb account of an “unrecognized immigration” within our own land. Through the breadth of its narrative, the beauty of the writing, the depth of its research, and the fullness of the people and lives portrayed herein, this book is destined to become a classic.  - $9.80


Brunello Cucinelli + Septieme Largeur by Markis McCollum

Brunello Cucinelli + Septième Largeur

Brunello Cucinelli is an Italian fashion designer and chief executive of his eponymous brand, Brunello Cucinelli. He donates up to 20% of his profits through the Brunello Cucinelli Foundation. The Brunello Cucinelli Foundation was created to keep the ideas that his hometown of Solomeo. He is investing in the arts, sports and human relations among people. I really like he eye for style and color and with the donation of some of the profits you feel as if you helping make a change and feeling good while looking good.


Belvest + Calzoleria Toscana by Markis McCollum

Belvest + Calzoleria Toscana


Belvest is an important sartoria ( Flower ) founded in 1964 by Venetian entrepreneur Aldo Nicoletto and located in the small town of Piazzola sul Brenta close to Padova. Known and acclaimed all around the world for the excellence of its production, Belvest is indisputably one of the finest garment factories in the world, integrating many handmade features into their clothing. The company employs 300 people who produce suits, jackets and overcoats for the biggest luxury brands on the planet. Belvest also has its own brand ; magnificent products distributed in a small and carefully curated network of retailers worldwide. A great name of masculine elegance. Also featured in 32 different magazines including DETAIL, Robb Report and Esquire, Belvest is a force to be seen!

    Little Jimmie's Bakery Cafe by Markis McCollum

    Little Jimmie’s Bakery Café // IG: littlejimmiesbakerycafe

    6669 Germanantown Ave

    Little Jimmie's Bakery Café in Mt. Airy, Philadelphia is serving up breakfast, lunch, and southwestern specialties along with all homemade bakery goods, located at 6669 Germantown Avenue in the Mt. Airy section of Philadelphia. Call (267) 336-7139

    Rose Petals Cafe & Lounge by Markis McCollum

    Rose Petals Cafe & Lounge // IG: rosepetalscafe

    322 W. Chelten Ave
    Philadelphia, PA

    Rose Petals Cafe and Lounge is a full service cafe/restaurant in the Germantown section of Philadelphia, specializing in breakfast and lunch six days per week (Tuesday through Sunday). Features include:

    • Free Wi-Fi accessibility
    • a child-centered entertainment room
    • and specialty smoothies

    Coming soon:

    On Fridays and Saturdays, Rose Petals will become a “Lounge,” open for live music and a special Latin/soul fusion dinner menu celebrating a blend of Puerto Rican and African-American cultures.

    While the full menu is still in-the-works, featured items might include tacos, sweet fried plantains, an “elegant play” on deli sandwiches, fried chicken and catfish, and of course, waffles. Live music on stage will put the “finishing touch” on a fun atmosphere.

    Paprika Halal Restaurant by Markis McCollum

    Paprika Halal Restaurant // IG: paprikaphilly

    Owner - Thomas Hunter 215-455-4663 Fax: 215-455-4664  

    4167 GERMANTOWN AVE. Philadelphia,PA 19140 We are located on Germantown Ave. between Dounton St. & W. Juniata St. We are open Mon - Wed 11:30 am to 9 pm; Thur - Sat 11:30 am to 11 pm; Closed Sunday. 

    The Law of 33% Check it out......... TEDTalks by Markis McCollum

    Tai Lopez is a Self-Man Millionaire that started living on the couch with $47 in his bank account. His story go's " His Uncle said to him if he looks for a person that can make you money". So what he did was call up the person with the one page ad in the newspaper and told the individual, " Sir if you teach me what you did to become successful I will work for you for FREE " the man smile and said i was looking for a person like you for 20 years!!! and hired him on the spot. Then he adopted the law of 33%! If you want to know the Law of 33% view in!