
Philip Green of The Black Hedge Fund Group by Markis McCollum

By Philip Green

Black men, we are begging you, humbly, not chastising, not standing on high, pontificating, but down on bended knee in exhortation. 

We implore you Do These 5 Things in 2015 

1. Get a passport

2. Open an investment account

3. Get a mentor...or be a mentor

4. Increase your competency in financial literacy and the STEMS

5. Get regular prostate checkups 

We have been here almost 9 years...and we cannot begin to tell you the number of people who have come back to us with the same refrain and lament "I wish I would have done it sooner".....please do it now, black men, black brothers. 

c. 2015, The Black Hedge Fund Group

The Black Hedge Fund Group

The Black Hedge Fund Group

Leadership by Markis McCollum

Some of us may have a job where we are placed in a leadership role. That role is not to be taking lightly because people's attitude determines your success, for example if your overbearing you will not get much out of your people. You would get a little done being a boss but think of the mountains you would move if your people looked at you as a leader. If your a BOSS then you may want to change you approach to more of a LEADER. To me being a boss rather then being a leader is like having a job vs a career, Both are good but a career go's a whole lot farther. No one really cares for a boss. You rarely hear anyone say "I have a great Boss or I wish I was a Boss like that". BUTTTTT.....  what you may have heard people say was "What a great Leader that person turned out to be" or "That person was born to lead". People say that because everyone loves a great leader or even one that puts their heart into leading and there people. Here are some examples below on the differents in a BOSS vs. A LEADER. 

pics from www.whittyfeed.com

pics from www.whittyfeed.com

pics from www.whittyfeed.com

pics from www.whittyfeed.com

pics from www.whittyfeed.com

pics from www.whittyfeed.com

pics from www.whittyfeed.com

pics from www.whittyfeed.com