Clothing is Language / by Markis McCollum

One of my greatest influences in my adult life is Derrick Watkins or better know as Fonzworth Bentley. A lot of people teased him when he was with Sean "Puffy" Combs but no one has really heard how he came to be. I saw an article back in 2010 on how Derrick became Fonzworth and it was amazing. Now around 2011 I just moved from the United Kingdom an I started really understanding myself as far as what I liked style wise, I was more aware of my surroundings and how others saw me and my music taste had changed greatly. So when I came across this article a light bulb went off in my head, HE WAS 100% RIGHT!!!! Clothing is a language! As simple as that seems some till don't get it. Other would like to say its common sense, but if it was then everyone would know it. So this UNcommon sense made sense to me and changed my thoughts on how I carried myself. So when I found this clip I was like OMG this is it, and the crazy part was that I was not even looking for it. It found me now I'm sharing with you. Enjoy.