Building a "TANK" / by Markis McCollum

Meet my personal trainer Keith "TANK" Phillips

Keith "TANK" Phillips

 One day I was walking to to my mailbox when I happen to see a ad for a personal trainer. Now I really pay little to no attention to ads like that but for some reason I was compelled to stop and read it. After reading the ad I looked at the picture of the person calling himself "TANK". Judging by the picture I was like " he looks like he may be kind of tough and a little mean, but yet I was still curious to see what this was all about.





12 SESSIONS $500




12 SESSIONS $290     


It was an early Saturday morning as I made my way to Kelly Drive to a workout session that I had no clue on what to expect. As I drew closer to the the workout area this huge dude looked up from the work out-stations he was setting up. Cover in a thin layer of sweat and a mean look on him face he stared at me I slowed my walk a little. NOW the first thing that popped in my head was "oh heck naw" and "naw i'm good". But before I could play it off and act as if I was lost. I heard a friendly "Hey what's good man!" "You here for the boot camp?" I was shocked... I was ready for a yelling and he ended up being a really cool dude. Once my mind was at ease he explained who he was and each workout station.

two-feet in box



Kelly Dr.

There also was many people that came out for the workout session and it was pretty awsome. Plus I've met some new people and became good friends with others.

Old, young, male, female...... a very nice group was there on a Saturday to bond and enjoy the lesson that was presented to us. After a few weeks of working out with him I wanted to pick his mind to see what inspired this movement.

DGC: So what is your name and where are you from?

Tank: Keith Phillips aka TANK, Born in North Philly

DGC: So how did you get the name "TANK"?

Tank: My Mother, when I was a child I would run over everything, table, chairs didn't matter and what ever was in my path I broke so I was named "TANK"

DGC: So as a kid did you have dreams of getting into physical fitness?

Tank: No not really, but the one thing I did know was that I wanted to be a leader and lead people in one way or another.

DGC: At what point did you want to do fitness? 

Tank: When I was in the 8th grade I owed a weight set and that when I started lifting. It wasn't till 10th grade when I entered a bench contest and not only did I win I held the record!

DSG: In High School is when you stared teaching?

Tank: Yes I was on the football teach and my coach empowered me to inspire me teamates and learn a few of my methods.

DSG: What organizations do you work with if any?

Tank: There is an organization that helps high school drop outs trying to get there G.E.D.'s and it counts as there gym time and I help with the Pa-an program for i.s.p. to help troubled kids.

DSG: do you only teach groups or personal lessons?

Tank: both

DSG: What edge do you have over other classes?

Tank: Strength...... Everyone has power but I teach strength and I also show the body how to focus. Weight is secondary.

DSG; What programs do you have?

Tank: Boot Camp which all sessions are $5 a person each time.......Dobson Mills on Ridge Ave. 3 days a week, Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday's. then the big course on Kelly Drive on Saturday close to boat house row about 1/8th of a mile. Then I have my walk-ins at planet fitness at fox street thru out the week then finally water therpy at park plaza condo on Ford Rd. You can call me for more information at 856.906.7122 or

DSG: What is it you would like people to take away from your sessions?

Tank: Strength ...... it gives you focus, stamina, confidence, and a great learning experience.