Your opinion, should this be a thing...... / by Markis McCollum

      I’m bit of a history nerd. Watching old documentary’s read books and best of all learning from the people who have come before me and lived though some events that shaped history. I tend to think about the past and how it effects today’s issues. 

      Our leader of the “free” is one individual that keeps coming to mind when I think of the past. To be honest our former leader also. Obama and Trump.  

      These too has stirred up an evil and wicked feeling in America that has been lurking around for hundreds of years. One simply because of his skin color has invoked a hate that was kept on the low and used almost with out notice. The when the current leader arose and made it a call to arms for all who hate people of color the poor and disenfranchised.


         The picture above is a old picture from the Jim Crow/ segregation era but it color was added to the picture you would think it was 2018. Even though this display of ignorance has been around for ever you would think that with time and advancement it would of dissipate. Nope. Still here.   

        As it becomes more a more in your face people are forced to speak out, those that speak out are ether chastise, mocked or  ridicule. I.e “black lives matter” once that’s said then comes, but wait “all lives matter”. We know all lives do matter but right now black lives need attention, so you mean to tell me “black lives matter” more than “blue lives matter”????  See the argument??? It will just go in circles. Three things then I’m off it. If “blue lives matter” why are ya’ll just saying it shouldn’t they have always mattered not just when it’s said that “black lives matter”? If “all lives matter” when why are there homeless people and kids adoption agencies wishing to be adopted? Then finally there are 15 houses in a area, the seventh house go’s up in flames. The fire department is called. Do they put water on all the houses or just the burning one??? Some of you might say the burning one an the two on the sides so they don’t burn also... true but that’s not all that’s the black life and maybe close friends, see what I’m saying?  

      But back to these pictures that has me thinking. With all the technology should we do facial recognition to find out who these people are. Are they teachers, judges, lawyers, daycare owners?? I just feel it’s important to know


      What do you think? 

