Israel’s artsy little secret “till now” / by Markis McCollum

IG: coolj1989

IG: coolj1989

Jerod Chandler is a native of Columbia, South Carolina who is a self taught artist; who has also studied at the Art Institute of Charleston. Mr. Chandler is an aspiring business owner in hopes of running his own art gallery to benefit all forms of art as well as fellow artists.


            Chandler is not only an incredible artist but, also a business man with experiences in marketing, entrepreneurship, to include studying Business Management at the University of Maryland. Chandler hopes to achieve his dream to help others network and give all artist an opportunity to display their talents and artwork.


         The reason behind this dream is that, he saw the need for artist to have a platform to express their talents. With the lack of stages, this will also give an opportunity for those who appreciate art a chance to see all forms of art in a collective setting. Chandler sets on doing this by hosting and organizing various events with different themes with all forms of art performed and displayed.


            This dream manifested when the young artist himself struggled to find an outlet for his own work. Therefore, Chandler wants to create this dream. He states that he wants his company to be known for quality artwork, excellent professionalism, organization, as well as providing an opportunity for artist to thrive.


Furthermore, he looks to serve the art world as well as those who enjoy it. He looks to benefit consumers by providing them an experience that can satisfy their spirit as well as giving them something they can appreciate.


The core values that underpin his work are honesty, hard work, love, patience, discipline, and determination. Chandler finally states that, he measures his success simply by if any and everyone is willing to show up, support, and appreciate his work he is grateful. The things that he says that are missing is an art studio, more artist, and people who appreciate them.


Artist can be reached at IG: coolj1989