Gavy Vaynerchuk!!!! by Markis McCollum

#AskGaryVee reads like transcripts from the show, and that’s OK when the information being dispensed is this persuasive and accessible. Vaynerchuk answers questions large and small... Vaynerchuk’s enthusiasm is infectious. (Success)

Gary Vaynerchuk’s new book kicks ass like Muhammad Ali…Gary delivers. When you reach the end you feel your mind has expanded with a wealth of information and some new curiosities. You can and should go buy a copy right now (are book reviewers supposed to say that?) (Huffington Post)

The pages will turn your creative juices and light a fire under you. #AskGaryVee will make you uncomfortable and get you excited about your discomfort (

Accessible and empowering chapters addressing self-awareness, public speaking, embracing a long-term vision, and the hallmarks of a good leader show Vaynerchuk to be a shrewd, learned businessman who effectively dispenses “real-world advice that can be adapted and reshaped as the winds of commerce and culture shift.” 


 New York Times bestselling author and social media expert Gary Vaynerchuk shares hard-won advice on how to connect with customers and beat the competition.

When managers, marketers, and small business owners outline their social media strategies, they plan for the "right hook"—their next campaign that will produce profits. Even companies committed to "jabbing"—creating content for consumers and engaging with customers to build relationships—still desperately want to land the powerful, bruising swing that will knock out their opponents or their customers' resistance in one tooth-shattering, killer blow. Right hooks, after all, convert traffic to sales. They easily show results and return on investment. Except when they don't.

In the same passionate, streetwise style his readers have come to expect, Vaynerchuk is on a mission to strengthen marketers' right hooks by changing the way they fight to make their consumers happy, and ultimately to compete. Thanks to the massive change in and proliferation of social media platforms in the last four years, the winning combination of jabs and right hooks is different now. Communication is still key, but context matters more than ever. It's not just about developing high-quality content; it's also about developing high-quality content that's perfectly adapted to specific social media platforms and mobile devices. It's about truly engaging with customers, not by shouting at them over social media but by using new narrative forms particular to each different media platform—especially, though not exclusively, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and Tumblr. Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook is a blueprint to social media marketing strategies that really work.


Everything has changed. The social media revolution has irreversibly changed the way we live our lives and conduct our business. There are billions of dollars in advertising moving online, waiting to be claimed by whoever can build the best content and communities. Despite this change, most people keep working at jobs that don’t make them happy and businesses continue to ignore the major marketing and public relations benefits that can be found online.

Myth #1: I’m not passionate about something sexy or popular like wine so these lessons don’t apply to me.

The internet has drastically decreased the costs of building communities around niche subjects, allowing for even the most obscure subjects to draw enough eyeballs to command advertising attention. Starting a video blog about tortilla chips may seem farfetched until Doritos gives you a call and offers 40,000 a year to sponsor and advertise on your blog.

Myth #2:My business already has a Twitter account and a Facebook page, we’re set in the social media department.

This is the equivalent of claiming twenty years ago that just because your business bought a TV spot and a few ads in the newspaper, you didn’t need to pay attention to your advertising department. Social media isn’t about joining in, it’s about being involved.

Myth #3:I’m happy at my job so this book is irrelevant to me.

First of all, congratulations on finding work that makes you happy! However, the lessons in this book are valuable to anyone, regardless of their employment status. Crush It will show you how to utilize high level and platform specific social media and marketing strategies that will improve your work. It will also show you how to build a personal brand so that even if you’re forced to leave your job, a situation that’s especially relevant today, you’ll be able to easily find employment elsewhere in a field you’re passionate about.

Myth #4:I need to quit my job to take advantage of this book’s entrepreneurial lessons.

While the entrepreneurial strategies in this book do take time, it’s completely reasonable to start the effort as an after-work project to build up until you’re able to replace your current income with the income from your online presence. While you may have to fall behind on the current season of Lost or let your Madden 2010 game suffer, because you’ll be doing something you love you won’t mind putting in the extra effort.

In Crush It, Gary Vaynerchuk shows how anyone can build a career around what they’re passionate about. He also delivers both high-level and platform specific strategy and analysis, allowing you to take advantage of the current business environment while preparing you to succeed as it changes and evolves.

This book isn’t interested in making unrealistic promises while glossing over the work involved. Making a living by building content around your passion isn’t simple and it doesn’t happen overnight. What it is, however, is fulfilling and in most cases just as profitable, if not more so, than your previous job.

Furthermore, a business can’t just pay lip service to social media and expect it to return results. The transparency and accountability inherent in its structure necessitates a comprehensive and dedicated strategy in order to reap its tremendous benefits.

By combining practical analysis and strategy with the same passion and humor that’s made Gary one of the most in demand keynote speakers in the U.S. as well as network television’s go to wine expert, Crush It is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand and harness the future of business and work.

Learn: Why social media has evened the playing field, destroying the “gate-keepers” who had previously dictated the distribution of content.

Learn: How to beat unemployment and create wealth-building opportunities by building and maintaining a personal brand.

Learn: Why storytelling is the most important business concept in the current marketplace.

Learn: How you can build an online business around your passion without quitting your day job.

Learn: Why Twitter and Facebook are just tools and not a social media strategy.

Learn: How to take advantage of the half-billion dollars in advertising that are moving to the internet.

Learn: Why transparency and being true to yourself are now winning marketing formulas.

Learn: How to build and maintain an online community around your passion and brand.

Learn: Strategies for turning attention into money.

Learn: Why the legacy element of the internet era is so underrated.


To those of you who watch Porn, no judgement but consider this..... by Markis McCollum

The porn films are not about sex. Sex is airbrushed and digitally washed out of the films. There is no acting because none of the women are permitted to have what amounts to a personality. The one emotion they are allowed to display is an unquenchable desire to satisfy men, especially if that desire involves the women’s physical and emotional degradation. The lightning in the films is harsh and clinical. Pubic hair is shaved off to give the women the look of young girls or rubber dolls. Porn, which advertises itself as sex, is a bizarre, bleached pantomime of sex. The acts onscreen are beyond human endurance. The scenarios are absurd. The manicured and groomed bodies, the huge artificial breasts, the pouting oversized lips, the erections that never go down, and the sculpted bodies are unreal. Makeup and production mask blemishes. There are no beads of sweat, no wrinkle lines, no human imperfections. Sex is reduced to a narrow spectrum of sterilized dimensions. It does not include the dank smell of human bodies, the thump of a pulse, taste, breath—or tenderness. Those in films are puppets, packaged female commodities. They have no honest emotion, are devoid of authentic human beauty, and resemble plastic. Pornography does not promote sex, if one defines sex as a shared act between two partners. It promotes masturbation. It promotes the solitary auto-arousal that precludes intimacy and love. Pornography is about getting yourself off at someone else’s expense

The Man!!! by Markis McCollum

THIS JUST IN:  Sir Idris Elba has been knighted by the British Empire, presented by Prince William at Buckingham palace,,20993085,00.html



The Power of the Pentatonic Scale by Markis McCollum

Musician Bobby McFerrin uses the pentatonic scale to reveal one surprising result of the way our brains are wired. You will be intrigued by how humans process thoughts and think. Look at this video you are going to absolutely love it. Watch it till the end.


"It's an exploration of what constitutes a "musical" sound -- all notes are just tones of a certain frequency, yet our minds find certain sequences of tones more aurally pleasing than others. If you play a certain note, or a certain couple of notes, your mind will want to fill the next one in predictably. It's the scientific pursuit of why we consider certain things to be beautiful, and why certain sequences are embedded in our brains."


- I'm a Freaking Genius. #IMAFGe


"Passing Forever" by Philadelphia poet Doug Tucker Jr. by Markis McCollum

 "Passing Forever"

Damn I think I've finally did it.

That which I should not have. The news wasn't good at all, my heart is now in half.

My feelings caught between the rifts, of speaking good and stuttering bad.

The trust i once held as golden, is more in truth, the worst of trash.

The happiness, we'd share it's work and worth, now in spurts outbursts, I'm sad!..I'm sad!!...

Filled withTears of anger from deceit and Lies, that drives me insanely mad.

How comfortable did you let me be, how could you disavow all we had...

All that we've sworn in oath to live by, was just like a spare moment you allowed to die, and pass.

Said for me to be the driver, but the wrong turn I took towards you, and crashed!

Into the pain of a hiding truth, under a guise you've fronted and stashed...

Everything behind a smile, style, sex, and even laughs.

Once again i play the fool, a sucker to say the least, a dunce, a dummy, an ass?..

I can't believe I believed every word you've ever spoken, i was hoping we'd everlast..

Funny how we've planned for things to last forever, and it was never clever, so this time may have been my very last...

But Damn, I said I'd love you... forever!....

I guess Forever will...never pass...


Contact Info:Douglas Tucker Jr.905 StreetPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania 19123cell (267)

Contact Info:

Douglas Tucker Jr.

905 Street

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19123

cell (267)-345-3491

Supporting young local Poets/Artist in the Community!!! Doug Tucker Jr. by Markis McCollum

   Doug Tucker Jr is a Philadelphia native who expresses the everyday life, journey and past of a young man who has seen adversity, struggle, joy, pride, sadness and happiness.

    Mr Tucker's view of the world is an insightful yet realistic view in which many can relate and if not at least see the the beauty and architect of his words.  The sample below showcase's the wordsmiths abilities. 

    And again reach out to the brother and give words of encouragement and appreciation. 


Oh I rise

Oh I rise above it all, they defend to no avail,

I rise because I fall, in pursuit to never fail,

I am the prize, and my disguise is my strength that lies beyond a shaded veil,

A faded veil to no surprise its breaking down though I'm not frail,

I'm told I'm not a man and even less they tell their tale,

Sticks and stones have broken my bones, but I'm not the words they've set assail,

I set to sail thick and through, through the storms of Hell and hail,

And I flow as the river flows, and am on top like a floating pale,

When I'm told I am hated, I become deflated almost pale,

Then I remembered I'm the Warrior

Survived neglect,abuse,and even jail!

Imprisoned in a shallowed cave

Arose a slave to The King only,I hail

Lifting me pass the truth,

HE is One Without a grail,

He has guided me amungst a trail

In the place of first, where when before i was the snail,

And raced to receive His Grace, and to cure me where my heart was aile

To rise above it all as they oppose to no avail.

I. AM. A. WINNER....




Contact Info:

Douglas Tucker Jr.

905 Street

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19123

cell (267)-345-3491


Support Local Artists!!!!!!!    

Stay Blessed! 

Boscoe Holder by Markis McCollum


  H O L D E R


Trinidadian artistBoscoe Holder (1921 – 2007) was the consummate Renaissance man. He led a celebrated artistic life as painter, dancer, costume designer, choreographer, dance instructor at the University of the West Indies, leader of an international dance group for nearly twenty years, band leader, and pianist.

Holder began playing the piano at age five, and by his seventh birthday he had begun painting, self-taught. As a teenager, enamoured of his island’s culture, he researched and learned the local dances and songs, and by the late nineteen-thirties he had formed a group of dancers and was producing shows depicting theatricalised versions of these songs and dances of Trinidad. At the same time he gave several solo art exhibits, and became a founder and life member of the Trinidad Art Society.

When American military bases were installed in Trinidad during the Second World War, Boscoe Holder had his own programme, Piano Ramblings, on the U.S. Armed Forces Radio Station, WVDI. The show aired every Sunday afternoon. His dance company also performed constantly at various Officers’ Clubs and U.S.O.’s, and Holder was commissioned by scores of servicemen to paint their portraits so that they could send them home to their loved ones in America.

In 1946 Holder visited Martinique, and this inspirational sojourn broadened his vision, prompting him to include the dances, songs and costumes of the French West Indies in his shows. In 1947 he went for the first time to New York, teaching Caribbean dance at the Katherine Dunham School, and exhibiting paintings at the Eighth Street Galleries.

Holder married English-born Sheila Clarke in 1948 and the couple had a son, Christian, the following year. In 1950 they travelled to London, which became their home for the next twenty years. Holder formed his group, Boscoe Holder and his Caribbean Dancers, in London, and introduced the first steel drums to England on his own television show in 1950, Bal Creole (aired on B.B.C. TV which, in those seminal days, was located at Alexandra Palace). Appearances in several cabarets, theatre clubs, television shows, and films followed. The company performed before Queen Elizabeth II at her coronation in 1953: representing the West Indies, they danced on a barge, part of the Royal Flotilla, on the Thames. They toured the Continent, appearing in Finland, Sweden, Belgium, France, Spain, former Czechoslovakia, Italy, Monte Carlo, and also in Egypt.

For four years, beginning in 1959, Boscoe Holder produced, choreographed, and costumed the floorshow in the Candlelight Room at the May Fair Hotel, as well as leading his own band, The Pinkerton Boys, in the same venue. He later became co-owner of a private club, the Hay Hill, in Mayfair.

In 1960/61 Holder took three months off to return to Trinidad as the recipient of a Refresher Fellowship, a “Scholarship in Reverse”, given by the Trinidad government to Holder and writer V.S. Naipaul to entice them to return to the land of their birth.

Holder and his wife appeared for a second time before Queen Elizabeth II at a Command Performance at Windsor Castle in 1955. In 1966 they were among the eighteen persons invited to dine with the Queen and Prince Philip at Claridges, in London, in honour of Her Majesty’s forthcoming visit to Trinidad and Tobago.

As a painter in England Boscoe Holder exhibited at the Trafford Gallery, the Redfern Gallery, and the Commonwealth Institute in London, and at the Castle Museum, Nottingham. Two of his paintings were bought by the Leicester Galleries. He also exhibited at the Martell Exhibition of Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture, held at the Royal Water Colour Society Galleries. In 1981 Sir Ellis Clarke, former President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago presented Prince Charles and Diana, Princess of Wales, with a Holder painting as a wedding gift from the Republic.

Returning to Trinidad in 1970 Boscoe Holder concentrated mainly on his paintings. They have been featured in Town and Country magazine (March 1983), and Islands Magazine (April 1985). In recognition of his contribution to the Arts, the Government of Trinidad and Tobago awarded Holder the Humming Bird Medal (gold) and named a street after him in 1973. In 1978 he was the recipient of Venezuela’s highest decoration, the Order of  Francisco de Miranda. Together with his younger brother, Geoffrey, he received an award from the International Voluntary Service (IVS) in Washington, D.C. for his contribution to the Arts in the Caribbean, and 22nd May, 1983 was declared Boscoe Holder and Geoffrey Holder day by the mayor of D.C. On 7th April, 1991, Boscoe, his son, Christian, and Geoffrey received, in Philadelphia, the first Drexel University Award for International Excellence. He was awarded, in 1994, the Médaille de la Cité de Paris (bronze) by the former Mayor of Paris, Jacques Chirac, at the 7th Salon of Painters and Sculptors from Overseas.

Through the eighties Holder has exhibited his paintings in Puerto Rico, and in Cannes, in Curaçao, and in Nassau, Bahamas. In 1987 he held a one-man exhibition in Toronto at the Metro Convention Centre, and celebrated his 50th anniversary as a professional painter at the Art Creators Gallery in Port-of-Spain.

In 1988 there was a retrospective of his paintings, the earliest dating from the late 1930’s, entitled, Beauty In The Eye Of The B. Holder, hosted by the Venezuelan Embassy in Port-of-Spain.1989 saw Holder’s work exhibited in Greenwich, Connecticut, at the Garden Center, sponsored by the Galerie Bonheur, and in 1991 he was invited by the Alliance Française and the French Cultural Mission in St. Lucia to hold an exhibit of his paintings there. In 1992 and ’93 he exhibited at the Gallery 1,2,3,4, in Port-of-Spain. There were also exhibitions in Jamaica and Guyana, plus the publication of a biography and chronology with colour plates, entitled Boscoe Holder, published by Maclean Publishing Ltd.

On 31st October, 2003, The University of the West Indies conferred upon Mr. Holder an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Letters (DLitt).  Earlier that year Campbells of London included several of Mr. Holder’s paintings in their exhibit of Caribbean painters. In 2004 Mr. Holder exhibited at the Gallery St. James in Barbados. The Government of Trinidad and Tobago issued, in December 2004, an official Christmas series of postage stamps featuring six of Mr. Holder’s paintings.

From the late 1990’s until his death Boscoe Holder held annual  exhibitions  at  101 Art Gallery in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad. He celebrated the millennium by building his own studio and gallery next door to his home.

Posthumously, several of his paintings have been included in exhibitions at the Michael Werner Gallery in Berlin, and the Victoria Miro Gallery in London.



Some of the few Podcast's that grabs my attention.... by Markis McCollum

 Those that know me knows that I am a Podcast follower. There are just some things that you can get in a podcast that is soaked up better than any other method ( to me ). The two main Podcast's I listen too are The Brilliant Idiots ( Andrew Shultz, Charlamagne The god ) and Tax Season ( Tax Stone ). Both are part of the loudspeaker network. I ENJOY both whole Heartly! 

The brilliant idiots  

The brilliant idiots  

This morning on my way to work I was listening to Tax Season ( an episode from November ) with an lawyer by the name of Kenneth Montgomery  ....... VERY INFORMATIVE!!!! Tax Stone bless the public with this one talking about the legal system and what happens. If you have the capability to download podcasts please download the brilliant idiots and tax season.  It free!!!!  You just down load and listen.


Tax Season

Tax Season

My opinion may not sway the the public per say but give these two podcasts a try. Both are great, entertaining, informative and just plain Genuinely awesome. You can tell these guys do this from the heart and they love what they do. I am a loyal supporter and I invite you to be also.  I also invite my DGC group to follow and actively support these gentlemen and get the word out!!! Be blessed.

Forming a Gentleman's group. by Markis McCollum

All are welcome!!! 

All are welcome!!! 


         Over the months I have received numerous emails about how to join the DGC and when will the magazine come out. This site started as an outlet to get things off my chest and empty my mind while giving insight via blog.

After a long ponder and talking I would love to start a DGC group. The group will be for like minded individuals who share news, culture, fashion, music and education.  Below will be and email address that you may submit your name, email and where you are from. You may also state what you do for a living BUT that is optional.  Every email I receive I personally will respond and tell you a little about myself as well. I will also show you the process on how to submit to the site and stay up with current events. DGC is also in the process of shorting the web address so it will be easier to remember. Thank you again for the time you allowed me to use. Be safe be bless.        

                       - Markis Shaune McCollum  

 Submit info here:



For the ladies!!! Detangling natural hair. by Markis McCollum


This is from my homegirl Taiwo Kafilat down in Atlanta..... Check it out.


Detangling Natural Hair After Removing Braids


This weekend, my little sis removed her box braids and needed help detangling her hair, so I offered to help. I thought that doing so would be a great learning experience and experiment for the both of us.

Before the take-down:

Told my little sis to deep condition the night before to make taking the braids down the next day easier, and to make her hair less susceptible to breakage

After the take-down:

Her hair was pretty matted at the roots (as you can see in the third picture above). So, I decided to mist water on the section I was working on and then gently separate the matted hair to get the dirt to come apart.

After that, I used a combination of water, Trader Joe’s Tea Tree Tingle conditioner (for slip), and organic apple cider vinegar to finger detangle my little sister’s hair. I added the ACV because it acts as a natural detangler. It also helps to melt much of the dirt/buildup away.

After all sections were fully detangled, I trimmed her ends and applied coconut oil to section for an overnight pre-poo to prep for her hair for wash day in the morning.

And that is it! The detangling process after the braid removal took a total of approximately 3 hours—and no combs were needed. I’m really happy that we were able to successfully detangle her hair. It was actually painless. This method should also work for twists, and other types of styles requiring the use of extensions. I hope this helps!




Do people really understand the hurt behind wearing "the uniform" when they never EARNED the right? by Markis McCollum

As a member in the U.S. Military this strikes home with me because I had to put up with a lot of things to wear and for wearing the uniform. I've been injured, away from family, cried, hurt, blead, was disappointed and the list go's on. BUT it's something I did by my choice and own will. And I'm proud of every moment. And if I could do it again I would.  But with all the pride and joy I have serving there are some that take the credit and have not don't a thing. 


Uniforms is trash and very impossible  

Uniforms is trash and very impossible  

I see this all the time, and when you say something they will get and attitude with you

I see this all the time, and when you say something they will get and attitude with you

Just a plain lie

Just a plain lie

Then you have the people who just like at it as a fashion statement...... 




A joke

A joke



This is really, really sad because it's like they are making light of the U.S. Military.... We are not a joke, we are not a fashion statement. We serve a very real and important purpose, and I would venture to say greater than any entertainer. So when you see a real member of the DoD you don't have to pledge your life to that person, a simple thanks will do.