Jewel LaFontant-Mankarious by Markis McCollum

Jewel LaFontant-Mankarious, Oberlin 1943. She was the first African American woman to serve as assistant U.S. attorney and the first African American woman to argue a case before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Jewel Stradford Lafontant-Mankarious (April 28, 1922 – May 31, 1997) was the first female deputy solicitor general of the United States, an official in the administration of President George H. W. Bush, and an attorney in Chicago. She also was considered by President Richard Nixon as a possible nominee to the Supreme Court of the United States.



Peach dumplings by Markis McCollum

Peach Dumplings 



2 whole large peaches

2 8 oz cans crescent rolls

2 sticks butter

1-1/2 cup sugar

1 tsp vanilla

cinnamon, to taste

1 12 oz can Mountain Dew


Peel and pit peaches. Cut both peaches into 8 slices. Roll each peach slice in a crescent roll. Place in a 9 x 13 buttered pan.

Melt butter, then add sugar and barely stir. Add vanilla, stir, and pour entire mixture over peaches. Pour Mountain Dew around the edges of the pan. Sprinkle with cinnamon and bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes. Serve with ice cream, and spoon some of the sweet sauces from the pan over the top.



New music!!!! by Markis McCollum

Yooooo please please check this out!!! If you have Apple Music, iTunes, YouTube something!!! This album is dope!!!!! Its history ( I use that term loosely) but history in music form!!! Produced by questluv... It's crazy!!!



Success by Markis McCollum

 "The Top 20 Habits for Success I Learned Working for Two Billionaires",

by Paul C. Brunson

1.  Invest in Yourself

2.  Be Curious... About Everything

3.  Surround Yourself With "Better" People

4.  Never Eat Alone

5.  Take Responsibility for Your Losses

6.  Understand The Power Of "Leverage"

7.  Take No Days Off (Completely)

8.  Focus On Experiences vs. Material Possessions

9.  Take Enormous Risks

10.  Don't Go At It Alone

11.  Recognize the Value of Simple Ideas

12.  Be Patiently Impatient

13.  Be Gritty

14.  Develop Great Oratory Skills

15.  Grow Thick, Armor-Plated Skin

16.  Connect with People Outside Your Community

17.  Over-Communicate Your Message

18.  Learn to Laugh at Yourself

19.  Be Great at One Thing, First

20.  Know a Higher Power 

c. 2015, by Paul Carrick Brunson



Black Wall Street by Markis McCollum

The Black Hedge Fund Group 

Did you know we once had four Black Wall Streets"?

1.  Tulsa/ Greenwood, Oklahoma (the "official" Black Wall Street")

2.  Parrish Street, Durham, NC

3.  Jackson Ward, Richmond, VA

4.  Auburn Avenue, Atlanta, GA

Once called the Black Wall Street and the Harlem of the South, Jackson Ward was a neighborhood built by former slaves and freed blacks into a thriving business community in the decades after the Civil War.

c. 2015, The Black Hedge Fund Group


Why Blacks remain Poor... by Markis McCollum


John Rogers Shares Why Many Blacks Remain Poor — and What to Do About It  

October 18, 2015

Several factors deter blacks from obtaining wealth, says finance expert John Rogers.

John W. Rogers Jr. is chairman, CEO and chief investment officer of the multibillion-dollar firm, Ariel Capital Management. The Princeton graduate (economics major) is widely respected as one of the most successful entrepreneurs and financial experts of his generation.

Rogers appeared at the WVON Business Seminar recently to discuss diversity, fiscal intelligence and the road blocks that prevent the African American community from accumulating wealth and passing it on from generation to generation.

Here, Rogers explains why some of today’s black families are still struggling financially, and what we can do to turn the tide around.

Rogers says that black families have yet to feel the end of the recession because, generally speaking, blacks bypass the stock market — where wealth is created — and instead, invest in their homes.

“We’re still not investing in equities in the stock market, we have more of our wealth in the housing market, and the housing market got hit by a recession and therefore we took a bigger hit than white Americans — who are still more heavily invested in the stock market,” Rogers says.

“Research shows that African Americans are not as comfortable in the stock market; not as comfortable with starting a 401(k) plan at work; and we are not compounding our money.” 

There is also a history of racism that has led to economic disparity, Rogers states: “That is a big part of the reason we haven’t been able to accumulate wealth and pass it along from generation to generation.”

Rogers added that the history of racism affected his own father’s financial growth in the real estate industry.

“My father tried to invest in real estate, back then, you couldn’t invest in the North Shore, Lake Forest or Hinsdale areas, and those homes boomed and those real estate properties boomed,” Rogers reveals. “He could only invest — during his generation — on the South Side and struggle through Jim Crow, discrimination and racism, and those properties [where he could invest] never increased the same.

“[My father] wasn’t able to create wealth the way his counterparts did, who had legal degrees or who weren’t as smart as he was. They had the opportunity to generate wealth and to one day build a trust.”

Last but not least, the economic disparity exists between blacks and whites because younger African Americans simply do not know where the lucrative jobs are, or even how to get a foot in the door on Wall Street. Rogers stated that the top hedge fund managers make anywhere from $1 billion to $5 billion a year in salary and bonuses.

“We are not getting into the careers where all the wealth is created. On Wall Street, you know that private equity firms and venture capital firms and hedge fund firms, these guys are creating extraordinary amounts of money, and had no black people working at those companies, and no black partners.

“And that continues to be the case today, probably with the venture capital and hedge fund [industries] put together, far as I know, you can count on one hand the number of African American partners in these lucrative fields,” Rogers says.

So what can African Americans do to stop the systemic economic disparity that is affecting families and communities?

“We have to have the opportunity to know about these fields and industries, and then we’ve got to get these white men to employ us, and include us, and give us the opportunity to share in the success,” Rogers advises.

College students can begin their journey to a Wall Street career by working in their university’s endowment office, Rogers argues.

“I tell young people all the time, wherever you go to school, work in the endowment office,” Rogers advises. “The endowment offices are hiring all these hedge fund, private equity, and venture capitalists people, and that’s a way to get your foot in the door, and build relationships. Maybe you can go and work in one of these lucrative fields after you’ve established relationships there, and get that $190 million in surprise bonuses; or run a firm that earns a billion dollars per year.”

John Rogers’ face lights up: “Think about what would happen in our community if we had people who were making a billion dollars per year; think of all of the philanthropy that would happen in our communities; the strength of our churches and our civil rights organizations, and all the jobs that would be created!”

To learn more about Ariel Capital Management, visit 

Ariel Community Academy 

c. 2015, The Black Hedge Fund Group


Church in Philly  

Church in Philly  

Life Changing!!! Please read! by Markis McCollum

via Black Hedge Fund Group

Go from Poverty to Professional in just one year....and get a bi-weekly paycheck while doing it!

The Year Up Program combines hands-on skill development, college credits, and corporate internships to prepare students for success in professional careers and higher education. It’s free of charge (in fact, you receive a stipend), but it requires strong motivation and a lot of hard work.

c. 2015, The Black Hedge Fund Group



Question...... by Markis McCollum

 Via Phillip Green...


If you are at the same point financially as when the year started, or a year ago, or even 5 years ago -- or worse off -- who is to blame? 

Moreover, ask yourself, how is that even possible? 

Have you challenged yourself enough to become Financially Literate in 2015? 

Read more books  

Free Financial Literacy Course 

Purdue University is now offering a free 2016 Financial Literacy Course

Certificate courses, recognized by many major corporations and employers, now available free through Harvard, Purdue University, MIT-Sloan School of Management, Stanford, Yale, Chicago Booth and The Wharton Business School at the University of Pennsylvania.

c. 2015, The Black Hedge Fund Group




Black Art, and why we should invest by Markis McCollum

Why should we invest in Black Art? Is it because it's better? More creative? The artist has more vision? To some yes and to some no. My take is that we should invest because it worth the invest. For one its "ours". When I say that, I mean it's something that us as Black people can relate too. 


K. Thompson's Dave Chappelle

K. Thompson's Dave Chappelle

K. Thompson Dave Chapelle

K. Thompson Dave Chapelle

K. Thompson Dave Chapelle

K. Thompson Dave Chapelle

Just as any artist can put their feelings and thoughts on a canvas and make people remember a feeling or a good moment in time "Black Art" can inspire the same. 


The Martin Show "Jordan's" Old Otis

The Martin Show "Jordan's" Old Otis

Martin Show "Jordan's" Dragon Fly Jones

Martin Show "Jordan's" Dragon Fly Jones

Martin Show "Jordan's" Jerome  

Martin Show "Jordan's" Jerome  

Martin Show " Jordan's " Sha nea nea

Martin Show " Jordan's " Sha nea nea

There is also a since of culture that in all truth only the Black public will get, understand and enjoy. But that should and will not limit the art to Blacks and Blacks only. A whole lot of artist really have talent an would like the world to see there art.


Three Ice Cudes in a glass of Ice T

Three Ice Cudes in a glass of Ice T

Hair cut

Hair cut

Kid n Play house party

Kid n Play house party

So in short..... Black Art is not any less that your everyday art. Invest, hang, share, draw, learn and champion Black Art. Start giving it the recognition it's due. below I will leave you all with a few good art icons then a CLASSIC!!! Be be blessed. ----Markis


The boondocks  

The boondocks  

Mrs. Hill  

Mrs. Hill  

The late great Marvin Gaye

The late great Marvin Gaye

And the classic.... Ernie Barnes " the suger shack" 

And the classic.... Ernie Barnes " the suger shack" 

New Orleans  

New Orleans  

The American Flag by Markis McCollum

From my Big lil Sis Tyneta Heath as she breaks down what ALL us VETS feel. Read and apply.  


TSA: Removing the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem from school curriculum, has done the most disservice to our Nation's Flag. 

People don't know or care what to do when the Anthem is being played! 😡 Is that they don't know because they haven't been taught or don't care because it hasn't been made important any longer? Regardless, teach it in your own home! 

1- FACE the Flag or the direction of where you hear the music. 

2- Stand STILL!! It's not a long song! 

3- REMOVE your hat!! 

4- Place you right hand over your heart! 

5- RESPECT the Flag that men & women have paid the ultimate price with their lives, served or are still serving that very Flag you are so disrespectful to!  

 If any of this is confusing or you just don't get it...ask someone. 

Thank you



21 Black Owned Banks in America by Markis McCollum

via Philip Green

There are over 6,900 commercial banks in the U.S. 

There are over 95,000 bank branches from those banks, in the U.S. as of September 28, 2015 

Only 19 of those banks are Black- Owned 


Black-Owned Banks


Location: Birmingham, Alabama

Founded: January 28, 2000

FDIC Region: Atlanta

Assets: $35 404 000


Location: Los Angeles, California

Founded: February 26, 1947

FDIC Region: San Francisco

Assets: $385 055 000


Location: Atlanta, Georgia

Founded: October 3, 1994

FDIC Region: Atlanta

Assets: $294 572 000


Location: Savannah, Georgia

Founded: January 1, 1927

FDIC Region: Atlanta

Assets: $41 573 000


Location: Atlanta, Georgia

Founded: June 18, 1921

FDIC Region: Atlanta

Assets: $392 286 000


Location: Newark, New Jersey

Founded: June 11, 1973

FDIC Region: New York

Assets: $340 301 000


Location: Mobile, Alabama

Founded: February 19, 1976

FDIC Region: Atlanta

Assets: $63 244 000


Location: Chicago, Illinois

Founded: June 20, 1977

FDIC Region: Chicago

Assets: $59 842 000


Location: Detroit, Michigan

Founded: May 14, 1970

FDIC Region: Chicago

Assets: $215 924 000


Location: Danville, Virginia

Founded: September 08, 1919

FDIC Region: Atlanta

Assets: $38 882 000


Location:Tuskegee, Alabama

Founded: October 11, 1991

FDIC Region: Atlanta

Assets: $63 127 000


Location: Chicago, Illinois

Founded: November 09, 1970

FDIC Region: Chicago

Assets: $84 948 000


Location: Chicago, Illinois

Founded: January 01, 1934

FDIC Region: Chicago

Assets: $140 148 000


Location: Washington, DC

Founded: August 18, 1934

FDIC Region: New York

Assets: $342 524 000


Location: New Orleans, Louisiana

Founded: November 16, 1972

FDIC Region: Dallas

Assets: $545 019 000


Location: Durham, North Carolina

Founded: March 01, 1908

FDIC Region: Atlanta

Assets: $304 809 000


Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Founded: February 12, 1971

FDIC Region: Chicago

Assets: $91 490 000


Location: Boston, Massachusetts

Founded: August 02, 1982

FDIC Region: New York

Assets: $590 624 000


Location: Chicago, Illinois

Founded: January 02, 1965

FDIC Region: Chicago

Assets: $573 168 000


Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Founded: March 23, 1992

FDIC Region: New York

Assets: $67 930 000


Location: Houston, Texas

Founded: August 01, 1985

FDIC Region: Dallas

Assets: $68 125 000

Source: FDIC

Source: FDIC, September 2015


Black Man Creed via Philip Green ( Black Hedge Fund Group ) by Markis McCollum


The Black Man's Creed, by Philip Green

"I Am the Darker Brother, but I will never be The Invisible Man.

My Audacity, My Intelligence, My Strength, My Endurance, will allow me to continue to uplift myself, my black woman, my black children, my black community and my black Diaspora.

I Am A Black Man.



You will, in no uncertain terms -- you will respect my Hue-Man-ness"


c. 2015, The Black Hedge Fund Group



Philip Green / The Black Hedge Fund Group Money guide. Please read! by Markis McCollum

Via Philip Green of The Black Hedge Fund Group

I Am My Brothers we have compiled a list of Your Money & Finance resources and tools for the black man

by Philip Green

The Black Hedge Fund Group Black Men's Comprehensive Fall 2015 Guide to Having More Money in Your Wallet 


Open an investing account at an online brokerage. 

Open a Roth IRA 

Invest to the full amount in your employer's 401k


Never buy retail

Use cash rather than credit 

Develop a savings budget

Save more than you spend

Invest in a index mutual fund making at least 10% per year.

Did we mention budget? Know where you money goes 

Create a Strategy

Reinvest your dividends with a Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRIP)

Read. Read online Dividends Growth Investors (DGI) 

Read Personal Finance (PF) bloggers

Read the Wall Street Journal, New York Times DealBook, The Financial Times, Forbes, Fortune, Bloomberg Markets Magazine

On your Vision Board for 2015, write in big BOLD letters "Residual Income and Passive Income, I will Not Rely on a Job Alone" 

Make more money in 2015 than any other time in your life....

Residual income...

 Set up a 501(c)(3) tax-free

 Write a blog..and get paid for it

 Publish an e-book

 Affiliate marketing

 Rental property

 Network marketing


 Interest payments




 Google AdSense

 Start a podcast

Open an investment account in NOT fail to do this as soon as possible!




 Charles Schwab

 TD Ameritrade


 Merrill Lynch MerrillEdge

 RForeign Exchange (FX) trading

 Stock options

Open an investment account in NOT fail to do this as soon as possible!


If you don't know how to invest, take some time and play around with "play money" on TD Ameritrade's ThinkorSwim platform.

Fidelity, e-trade, Charles Schwab, TD Ameritrade, Scottrade, Merrill Lynch MerrillEdge, Barclays, TIAA_CREF

Think. Plan. Execute.

On your Vision Board for 2015, write in big BOLD letters "Residual Income and Passive Income, I will Not Rely on a Job Alone" 

Make more money in 2015 than any other time in your life....

Residual income

 Set up a 501(c)(3) tax-free

 Write a blog..and get paid for it

 Publish an e-book

 Affiliate marketing

 Rental property 


 Interest payments




 Google AdSense

 Start a podcast

Open an investment account in NOT fail to do this as soon as possible!




 Charles Schwab

 TD Ameritrade


 Merrill Lynch MerrillEdge

c. 2015, The Black Hedge Fund Group

Opinion: Do you think this was to much?? What you think? Article from by Markis McCollum


Black University at Buffalo student hangs Jim Crow-like restroom signs to protest ‘white privilege’

Posted on September 18, 2015 by christine 

A University at Buffalo student has sparked outrage and cries of racism after she put up “White Only” and “Black Only” signs on campus, hearkening back to the days of segregation.

Ashley Powell, 25, who is black, admitted to plastering the Jim Crow-esque signs near several bathrooms and water fountains in a dorm as an art project to express her struggles with being a minority in the U.S. and to “expose white privilege.”

“I am in pain,” the graduate student wrote in a lengthy explanation posted on Facebook and published by the UB student newspaper. “My art practice is a remnant of my suffering. White privilege and compliance only exacerbate my symptoms.”


Taking from

Taking from

11 things you can do to help you become a millionaire. By the Black Hedge Fund Group by Markis McCollum

 Taking from the Black Hedge Fund Group.

11 Things You Can Do To Help You Become a Millionaire 

The average young black millionaire has 7 streams of income.

Today, there are more millionaires than ever and while over 50% of millionaires are entrepreneurs, there is still another route to becoming a millionaire if you don’t want to be an entrepreneur.

This route may be slower and requires more patience, but theoretically very achievable and easy to do. If you are willing to sacrifice your wants now and develop the uncommon skill of self-discipline, you can be that next millionaire.

There is no surefire way to becoming a millionaire, but certainly the 11 things talked about in this article can help you achieve your goal. Here are 11 things you can do to make the goal of becoming a millionaire obtainable.

1) Forget the Things You Want and Buy the Things You Need

When you are able to control the urge to buy everything that you want, you are able to save more in order to invest in a retirement account, real estate, stocks, or bonds. The more you are able to save, the more you are able to have your money work for you. What is meant by this statement is that millionaires have their money work for them by investing it in cash-producing assets. The more money you are able to put in cash producing assets, the harder your money will work to make you more money. Constantly splurging your entire paycheck on the things that you want will surely push back your dreams of becoming a millionaire. Most millionaires don’t live lavishly until they have enough money from cash-producing assets to support their spending habits. If you always give in to your momentary and buy that too big, lavish house, or luxurious car, you are far off from your road to riches.

2) Always Spend Less Than You Earn

Spend less than you earn to be able to put more money into saving accounts, retirement accounts, and potential investments. You do not want to go out and spend your entire paycheck. You will eventually start living paycheck to paycheck and believe it or not many people do, expect the rich.

3) Exercise Patience

Patience is a good virtue to have because just about everything worth having in life requires some amount of patience. Patience is the biggest part of becoming a millionaire because it will take time to acquire enough cash-producing assets to support your lifestyle, unless you were born into wealth or left an inheritance. Most people are not born wealthy, so they have to save their own money, but once you set a realistic time on how long it will take to reach your goal, you make it a lot harder for yourself to give up. You must also learn not to become a victim to materialistic things, which requires discipline, and doing this for a long period of time requires patience.

4) Use Time to Your Advantage

The earlier you start saving money, the better. A lot of the most successful and richest people in the world started early, because they had the privilege of knowing what they wanted to do and be early in their life. This allowed them to start to save and invest early (Warren Buffett), start that business early (Bill Gates), using time to their advantage. Start saving now and don’t wait because each day you don’t save could push your dreams back further.

5) Realize That Money Does Not Buy Happiness

Money buys materialistic things, money does not buy happiness. Materialistic things give short term satisfaction. Find something that gives you long-term happiness and you will find just how easy it is to save money, because you will begin to realize that the momentary satisfaction that come from materialistic things does not compare to true happiness.

6) Have an Emergency Fund

Having an emergency fund will allow you to have money for unexpected occurrences, so you will never have to tap into your savings or investments for anything. Realize that life happens, so you must be prepared for it. Have an emergency fund.

7) Invest In Yourself

This is probably one of the most important things on this list. You must constantly invest in your personal happiness, professional skills, and knowledge. This will set you apart when applying for a job, or even when starting a business because if you are not willing to invest in yourself, why should someone else? When you invest in yourself and read books, you improve your creativity, which will help you to figure out more ways to produce income. Producing more income will allow you to save more and put those extra savings in cash-producing assets.

8) Pay Yourself First

When you get that paycheck, always put money into your savings, retirement account, or investments first and then pay off debts. Remember, when you put more money into paying debts, you are helping someone else build their dream faster. If you pay yourself first, you build your own dream faster. Whose dream is more important? You must ask yourself this.

9) Have A Vision

Having a vision of what you want your future to be like will allow you to have more patience. When you know what you want your life to be like and replay this vision in mind every day, your body begins to naturally work harder to make that vision a reality. Whatever needs to be done to make that vision come true begins to happen, whether it is through patience or overcoming fear. Never be afraid to dream big, you can never have too much ambition. These dreams only give you fuel to work harder and be more patient.

10) Get another Job

When you get a second job, you can easily produce more income and begin to save more money. Also, having another job will have less time to be tempted to spend the money you are earning.

11) Find More Money - The average millionaire has 7 streams of income

In today’s age, there are more ways than ever to make money with the internet and all. You have to be creative in this process and this can come from investing in yourself and your knowledge. There are literally tons of ways to make money.

The Take Away:

Any road you decide to take to becoming a millionaire is a road that takes hard work and patience. Here is a re-cap of the things you can do that can make the road to becoming a millionaire easier:

Forget the things you want and buy the things you need

Spends less than you earn

Exercise patience

Use time to your advantage and start as early as possible

Find something that gives you true long-term happiness and know that materialistic things can’t give you that. This makes it easier to save

Have an emergency fund

Invest in yourself

Pay yourself first

Have a dream or vision

Get another job

Find another source of income, in fact, find several sources of residual and passive income. 

c. 2015, The Black Hedge Fund Group
