Opinion: Do you think this was to much?? What you think? Article from www.iloveblackpeople.net / by Markis McCollum


Black University at Buffalo student hangs Jim Crow-like restroom signs to protest ‘white privilege’

Posted on September 18, 2015 by christine 

A University at Buffalo student has sparked outrage and cries of racism after she put up “White Only” and “Black Only” signs on campus, hearkening back to the days of segregation.

Ashley Powell, 25, who is black, admitted to plastering the Jim Crow-esque signs near several bathrooms and water fountains in a dorm as an art project to express her struggles with being a minority in the U.S. and to “expose white privilege.”

“I am in pain,” the graduate student wrote in a lengthy explanation posted on Facebook and published by the UB student newspaper. “My art practice is a remnant of my suffering. White privilege and compliance only exacerbate my symptoms.”


Taking from iloveblackpeople.net

Taking from iloveblackpeople.net