Forming a Gentleman's group. / by Markis McCollum

All are welcome!!! 

All are welcome!!! 


         Over the months I have received numerous emails about how to join the DGC and when will the magazine come out. This site started as an outlet to get things off my chest and empty my mind while giving insight via blog.

After a long ponder and talking I would love to start a DGC group. The group will be for like minded individuals who share news, culture, fashion, music and education.  Below will be and email address that you may submit your name, email and where you are from. You may also state what you do for a living BUT that is optional.  Every email I receive I personally will respond and tell you a little about myself as well. I will also show you the process on how to submit to the site and stay up with current events. DGC is also in the process of shorting the web address so it will be easier to remember. Thank you again for the time you allowed me to use. Be safe be bless.        

                       - Markis Shaune McCollum  

 Submit info here:

