Sho Baraka is back with new music and a new label "Humble Beast" / by Markis McCollum

Sho Baraka  

Sho Baraka  

 Those of us that listens to Christian Rap or Hip-Hop if you prefer, knows that Sho Baraka is a beast with the lyrics and wise in the Lord. Starting in Reach Records 116 movement is where the bulk of his fan base came from rapping along side of Leacre and Trip lee to name a few. The Tuskegee U. Alumni ( my Alma mater ) has always shown the people that you can love the Lord and deliver amazing music. From "turn my life up" to " lions and liers" Sho has always shown you the way of the Lord with a hip view. I've always said it and one time brought it up to him via FB messenger calling him the Thelonies Monk of Christian Rap, I was beside myself and shocked when he replied and LIKED that phase. 


  But the public was shocked when Sho stepped away from Reach Records to make a lane for himself. Even when being away from the label Sho always said he was still down with Reach 116 and Unashamed movement ( 116 movement stand for the Bible verse Romans 1:16 for I will be unashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ) featuring on many of Reach projects. Dropping the album the Talented 10th was mixed with different opinions due to the still fresh departher from Reach, but the album went on to be a super solid and well crafted album and a staple in Christian rap.


Now this new deal with Humble Beast is what the fans and myself been dreaming of. Below are a few new projects that have been released and trust and believe there will be more to follow.


Here is a Video called the road to Humble. 

Another Video with a great message !!