The Distinguished Gentleman's Corner rules of conduct. With the help of Omar Morales ( Distinguished Gentleman ) / by Markis McCollum

1. Read the news everyday, it my be sad or messed up but it will help you carry a conversation with others.
2. Always keep at lest $30 in your pocket, everyone will not take a card.
3. Pay your Bills on time.
4. Give thanks to God if things are Good or Bad, I follow Jesus Christ because he is the only way, but you may see different.
5. Put deodorant under your arms
6. Pull your pants up
7. Abandon "slang", unless your rapping in your head by yourself or in the private walls of your  home. ( on the way home for work in my head I was the BOSS running Philly, then I turned my radio off to get out me car )
8. If you want respect you have to give it first. Just think if everyone did that... Wow.
9. Learn to COOK,your bank account will thank you!!!
10. Get a bank account... If you have a smartphone and no bank account rethink your life.
11. It ok to dress up, tie , suit jacket, shoes ( with wooden bottoms if you bout that life )
12. Cut your hair at lest once a week. A real cut every two weeks and a line up in between.
13. And pull up pants up!!!!!

14. Never wear a clip on tie Learn to tie one. 
15. Always stand to shake some ones hand. 
16. No matter their status in life, respect everyone. 
17. Do what needs to be done without complaining. 
18. Never Stop Learning.
19. If you're the smartest person in the room you're in the wrong room.
20. Buy good tools, so you only have to buy them once. 
21. A small amount of your paycheck should go into savings every pay day. 

23. Watch the company you keep, association brings on simulation.
24. When you enter a room speak to everyone there. It's up to you to dictate that energy in the room plus your the last one in you you should be the first to speak.
25. If your with a female your with THAT female nuff said.
26. Eat right and workout. We what the women to do it so we should too.

27.Only buy tailored suits. Because nothing looks more bad ass than a tailored suit. 
28. Never have sex with anyone that doesn't want it as much as you. No means NO
29. Compliment her shoes
30. Never take her to the movies on the first date. 
31. Brush your teeth before you get dressed. 
32. You can tell the size of a man ( CHARACTER )by the size of the things that bother him. 
33. Buy watches and have one for every occasion. 
34. When you walk look straight ahead not at your feet or Phones! 
35. Don't let the little head do the thinking for the big head.

36. SAY what you MEAN and MEAN what you SAY, ( I struggled with that for a long time)
37. Be in control but not controlling
38. Make plans but be flexible.

39. Always open the door/hold the door for your woman. The small things matter most to real women.